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GemStar Russet (A9014-2)


Released in 2004, GemStar Russet is a dual purpose variety suitable for processing and fresh-pack usage. It has high U.S. No. 1 yields with very attractive tubers having few external defects and higher concentrations of Vitamin C and protein than other potato cultivars. GemStar Russet is cold-sweetening resistant making it exceptional for use in processing.


It is resistant to PVX, common and powdery scab, and soft rot, and has moderate resistance to Verticillium wilt, net necrosis, and corky ringspot. GemStar Russet is notable for its tolerance to water stress. It is very susceptible to PVY and dry rot, and late-season hollow heart can be problematic as well. A release article for GemStar Russet was published in the American Journal of Potato Research in 2006, volume 83.


The plant has a semi-erect vine that matures in the middle of the season and produces oblong tubers with heavily russetted skin. The eyes are intermediate in number and not well distributed. Tuber set is low, with average size typically medium, although large tubers are common with medium dormancy.  


GemStar Russet produced higher total yields than Russet Burbank in eastern Idaho, but slightly lower yields in the longer season areas of Western Idaho, and Oregon.  In 27 trials in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, GemStar Russet  produced tubers with higher specific gravity than those of Russet Burbank and produced much better fry color out of both 40 and 45°F storage.


GemStar Russet has demonstrated less susceptibility to growth cracks and secondary growth, but slightly more susceptibility to shatter bruise and much greater susceptibility to hollow heart than Russet Burbank. Blackspot bruise susceptibility is slightly less or similar to that of Russet Burbank.

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Gemstar Russet Growers

Tri-State Growers

Stastny Farms Oregon

Other US Growers


Camirlaney Farms British Columbia

Shaw Creek Farms British Columbia


Plant Propagation Centre New Brunswick

Atkinson Farms Ontario

University of Guelph, SPUD Unit Ontario

Agri Select Elite Québec

La Patate Lac-St-Jean Québec

SEQ Marketing Inc. Québec

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